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IPRTOP Patent and Trademark Agency is an officially incorporated legal entity which is also approved by SIPO. As such it possesses the qualifications for foreign-related IPR agency services. The agency has fine-tuned its patent agency work for different technical disciplines. It has also set up a complete and meticulous case application work-flow process. The agency's patent lawyers are not only trained in the respective technical disciplines but have also undergone systematic training in IPR laws. The majority of our patent lawyers are also capable of communicating in English, Japanese and German, etc.

The agency has provided IPR agency services to over 800 local and 200 foreign customers since its inception. It has consistently handled more than 4,000 patent cases annually, making it the top agency in its industry.

IPRTOP’s IPR agency work includes domestic patent and trademark agency; foreign patent and trademark agency; agency for copyright and registration of software works of authorship; agency for registration of ICB designs, and patent nullity and trademark objections, etc.

IPRTOP maintains close strategic partnership and business agency relationship with industry players in the U.S.; Europe (in particular Germany, U.K. and France); Japan; Australia; Korea; India; Russia and Taiwan, etc. in order to promote customers’ IPR footprint on a global scale.

Our patent agency work is undertaken by various departments including Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department; Electronics & Communications Department;Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Department; International Department and Work Process Department, etc. Each department works according to its mandate and expertise.

Our Work Process Department utilizes electronic management system and paper filing system to manage the cases. Both systems are structured such as to ensure error-free case procedures and affairs. Our International Department controls the quality of cases of foreign enterprises and patent agencies in China, thus ensuring effective cost control, prompt and effective reply of inquiries, etc. with respect to case procedures and timetable.

Our trademark agency work is undertaken by professional lawyers and legal assistants. We possess complete trademark inquiry system which is regularly updated. We provide customers with local and foreign-related trademark search; applications; objections; planning and consulting, etc. using scientific classification methodologies.

Our Service Advantages

Vast local agency experience

Case quality control; effective cost control; emergency response

Powerful case management system; highly-efficient management service tea